Sunday, October 31, 2010



This morning we caught the subway down to Canal st and got our names painted like buildings on a poster, they look amazing and it only too the man 5 minutes! So amazing!

Then after a little confusion about which subway we needed to get back (third times the charm!) had lunch in Times Square, and we won the Rock Of Ages lottery (twice) and had pretty good seats for the almost sold out show! It was alot of fun and the dancers in it we're so talented!

We shopped for groceries and went home to make dinner, then we we're off to Cherry Tree Lane :) Tonight we had the real Mary Poppins Laura Michelle Kelly and she was so perfect for the role, 'step in time' is still my favorite song so clever!! Around this time of year Broadway shows participate in the charity "Broadway Cares Equity Fights AIDS" and they sell special show specific merchandise after the performance to raise funds, and at Mary Poppins they sold backstage tours to meet the cast so we bought it and it was so worth it!


  1. Happy Halloween!!
    I hope it was all treats and no tricks!!
    By the way, i am loving the jacket/coat you have on 4 photos up....very nice...shame i am not a size 6 or 8!
    Was so good to chat to you yesterday, the boys allloved it too. We all miss you!
    Cant wait to see your name painting and teh backstage tour was a great investment by the sounds of it...once in a life time kinda fun!
    love you girlie,
    mum xx

  2. hello :)
    is that the stage your on in the backstage pictures?

    your seeing so many musicals! and how do you keep managing to win so many lotteries, lucky girls :P

    hope youve had a wonderful halloween, much the same here in Australia, ohh and did you dress up!? actually dont answer that ill just look at your next blog, cya britty:) love nath

  3. Hi Britt
    How was halloween? Did you actually go trick or treating?Looks like a good time "bacK stage" Love Aunty Leah xx

  4. hey girls
    tell your NYC friends!!!
    New York has been ranked the number 1 city in the world ...and wait for it... Newcastle (the only one in Asutralia in the top 10) has been ranked 9th.

    Hard to believe i know, but its in the paper today so it must be true haha

  5. Hey Britt I did not reralise that you were actually on the set.We are so very happy for you seeing all the musicals and having such a good time As always Love you Aunty Leah xxx
